When will my order arrive?
Your order is packed and shipped within 1-3 business days of your purchase. Average delivery time for international orders is 8-10 business days.
When will my order ship?
Your order is packed and shipped within 1-3 business days of your purchase. We use this grace period for any address changes, cancellations or mishaps.
How long does shipping take?
                                       Average delivery time for US 6-10 business days.
                      Average delivery time for international orders is 8-10 business days.
       Shipping can take longer, the ETA depends on the customs of destination and shipping carrier processing capacity.
                               DHL Express takes takes 5-7 business days own average.
My order is lost in the mail, what do I do?
After your order is shipped from our warehouse, it is out of our hands. We are not held responsible for lost packages, missed deliveries or undeliverable addresses. If you have a question concerning tracking or shipping please contact us.  
Do you offer free shipping?
We offer Free Standard Shipping on orders over USD$‌60 in value for International orders, you will see a banner on the top of your screen that offers your Free Shipping rate threshold. 
How can I track my order?
A tracking number will be provided when your order has been shipped. If you still haven't received it, please contact us with your order # & email address. Please be patient, as tracking information can take a few days to update.
Do you ship to my country?
Most likely yes, with a few exceptions! You can proceed to the checkout and our system will let you know.
How much does it cost to ship my order?
We offer real time shipping rates depending on your address. At the checkout, your shipping cost will be calculated.
What if I entered the wrong shipping address?
If you have provided an incorrect address and your order has not already shipped, we will do our best to update your correct shipping address. If you provide an incorrect address at the time you notify us the order has already shipped we cannot guarantee that you will be able to change it. We do ship orders quickly.
What if my order was returned to sender?
If your package is returned to us for any reason you will be responsible for paying for the package to be sent again.
My tracking number hasn't updated, what do I do?
Please be patient, sometimes your carrier gets a little backed up. Give it a few days to update & contact us if it doesn't.
My tracking says it has delivered but I didn't get it. What do I do?
Please be patient, USPS sometimes says it's delivered before it is. If you believe it was delivered, please check with your neighbors, doorman & inside your mailbox. Give it a few days to update & contact us if it doesn't.